* Best for your Vincent- a Fact not a Slogan


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About Vincent Spares

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The Vincent Company made its last motorcycle back in 1955 but continued to supply spares. Subsequently it was taken over by a succession of companies who also continued to supply some spares for the machines. In addition, as time went on, many smaller companies and individuals also made parts (bearing in mind that not all of those makers had access to the original drawings so the quality was probably “variable”). 


As is the case for many vehicles that have ceased production, for these suppliers it made commercial sense to just make the parts that frequently wore out and leave aside those parts that only need replacing infrequently or, being expensive to manufacture, were uneconomical. Faced with the prospect of a continued gradual decline in parts supply and quality, the VincentHRD Owners Club engaged with its members and the public to set up an independent Limited Company with the mission to make or source spares for the Vincent machines and to plough any profits back into the provision of rarer parts. In conjunction with this, the club also organised a team to produce a new set of drawings and specifications for the parts which would assure quality, fit and function into the future.Now decades later the VOC Spares Company Ltd (trading as Vincent Spares) is the premier source of all parts for Vincent and HRD motorcycles. We have close to 100,000 items always in stock, representing 2000 different lines. Twenty years ago, to prove the comprehensive parts coverage, we produced a complete new motorcycle from our parts. We are the sole provider of components manufactured to the VOC authorised Drawings Register.

We offer a 10% discount on most parts for all individual Shareholders and VOC Members for personal use only. All our profits are reinvested to strengthen our range of stock and services for riders.

We also offer a secure way to sell your Vincent. We act as a broker marketing the bike on behalf of the owner, who sets the price secure in the knowledge that our fee for advertising and selling the machine is way below those charged by auction houses.  Buyers can rest assured that each machine has been checked by the VOC Machine Registrar and that the machine details given are correct and that no other fees are included in the purchase.

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The VOC Spares Company Ltd  trading as Vincent Spares +44(0) 1536 312 220 orders@vincentspares.co.uk Registration No.01220773.